Black women in the United States face significant healthcare disparities. This can be attributed to implicit bias, limited access to quality healthcare, and systemic racism. Healthcare providers may be less adept at recognizing pain in Black patients, leading to inadequate treatment.
This article discusses the intersection of racism, sexism, and ableism and how they impact the delivery of healthcare to Black women with disabilities.
This intern paper was created by Najah Williams and designed by the NAMED Advocates team. Learn more about the NAMED Advocates here:
Najah Williams
An intern at the NAMED Advocates, Najah Williams is a Georgetown University junior born and raised in Charlotte, North Carolina. She is pursuing a degree in Healthcare Management and Policy on the policy track. Najah goes by she/her pronouns and is passionate about advocating for marginalized groups within a health policy lens.
Within Georgetown, Najah works at the Center for Social Justice (CSJ) with a central mission to support programming dedicated to advancing social justice efforts within the DC community. She supports these initiatives through service and immersion experiences and working in collaboration with local partners. Her involvement with CSJ serves as a catalyst for infusing social justice into all aspects of life at Georgetown University.