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Age 23, Randallstown, MD.

Korryn was a poet, a mother, and a proud Black woman with a mental health disability. In her spoken word poem, The Vampire Theory, she proclaimed, “Our blood reeks of royalty; they can smell it in the air” The police had brutalized Korryn during a traffic stop, resulting in her miscarriage of twins. Korryn was shot after a standoff with police, officers entered her home to shoot her three more times as she sat in her kitchen with her five-year-old son. She leaves behind a grieving family, including her son, and her younger daughter.

Powerful black arm raised defiantly into the air, the hand curled into a fist, rising into the middle on the graphic. Designed into the arm, almost like a tattoo, is an infinity/unity symbol and the words “Black Disabled Lives Matter”.

art by @jtknoxroxs

These descriptions were compiled by the NAMD Advocates. We also extend a special thanks to The Harriet Tubman Collective for compiling some of the names.

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